Monday, October 5, 2009

The Bro's are on YouTube

A few weeks ago a film crew came to the house to shoot footage for a series of short films on the Brothers' community, apostolate, and prayer, and Br. Chris Sweeney, one of our vocation guys, just sent me the links.  Check them out and tell us what you think!  (No, I wasn't crazy about being videoed, but sometimes you gotta take one for the team.  Good work, Chris.)

(*Warning: shameless plug ahead.  If you see this and think of a young man who you think would be interested in the religious life, feel free to point him in our direction --  OK, shameless plug ended.*)

I'm turning 32 this week (yeesh), so the parents came in town this last weekend to visit.  We did the usual running around - hit the farmer's market, went down to the Finger Lakes, went to church at the Catholic Student Center and walked around the university.  Good to visit, and mercifully my reading schedule was lighter this week, so I could afford to visit without being unendurably swamped with work after they left.


Anonymous said...

The videos are excellent, Patrick. You, Kevin, Michael, Bill and Dan took a good one for your team.

Happy 32nd birthday! Hope you have a great one.

Aliadelaide said...

I found your blog through A Concord Pastor Comments. I really enjoyed watching the videos and posted one on my blog as I think what you all say has so much relevance for us all as Christ followers.I intend to show the videos to my two youngest sons this week. Thank you for your blog. We will pray for your community.

beth cioffoletti said...

Those videos are well done, Patrick.

I'm studying videos now, because I want to do one with prisoners. That video made me FEEL what it means to live with others.

And Happy Birthday! I can't believe you're so young ... (whatever THAT means!)